Names: Cher Ling, Jerome, Sanjiven, Vera
Class: DCEP/FT/1A06

Material List
The Claws!
The Arms! (Finalised Idea!)
Rubber Band Launcher! Part 1!
Rubber Band Launcher! Part 2!
Group Photo!
Side View of Car!
Top View of Car! Part 1!
Top View of Car! Part 2!
Autocad Servo Holder!
Autocad Middle Bar!
Autocad Right Arm!
Autocad Mechplate!
Autocad Left Joint!


Friday, August 6, 2010 5:51 AM

Final Results!

Round 1!

Round 2!


Group Photo with car!

Side View of the car!

Top View of the Car!


Steps of making the car!

Step 1: Brain-storming! Think of as many ideas as possible! Crazy ideas accepted too!

We thought of 3 ideas, and out of it includes 2 that involves dragging the can back, whereas the last idea is to "shoot" the can back!

Step 2: Planning! Pick the most feasible idea, and start to plan on how it will look like, what parts you need!

Well, since the "launcher" idea isn't feasible, we used the "dragging can back" idea!

Step 3: Designing! Draw out how the car will look like, together with the parts! Then, draw out the parts needed individually, with the dimensions included!

Finally, we have decided on how the car will look like, together with the material list! Thus, the material list is produced!

Step 4: Collect and prepare the materials needed to make the parts! This step needs concentration, since if there is a slight error in ur parts (cut wrongly?!), the whole part can't be used!

Well, its true this needed alot of concentration! We actually had to redo a few parts because of slight mistakes we made!

Step 5: Combine the parts made with the car together, and start to plan for the programme!
For example, think how do you want the car to move! Forward, backward, left, right, how fast the server motor moves! Design the flowchart, and programme it to the car!

The programming part is extremely crucial! Whether the car moves or not, and able to complete the given task, depends largely on the programming! Also, if the programming is done well, time used to complete the task is alot lesser!

Step 6: Test it out and make adjustments accordingly!

Testing allows you to make adjustments more accurately. And since ours have a percentage of errors popping up, testing to see if the programme and if the parts placed on the car have any problems! This can drastically reduce the amount of errors surfacing up during the test too!

Step 7: Go for the competition!

Final step! Go for it and accept any results! We did out best already, thats all we need to know!


Even though the final results wasn't as well as we expected, okay, it was FAR from what we expected, we still left the class happily. Because we all knew we did do our best in this project! During the weeks we are given to prepare for this, many things happened in between. For example, we have members falling ill, thus missing many days of school. However, we still manage to complete the task on the same time as others! This proves that we can still get things done even though our group ain't complete, and that we are not too reliant on others! Many things have been learned from this, starting from things like how to do programming, how to design the parts to even hands-on things like making the parts! In short, we enjoyed this project! Though we didn't do well in it, it was a fun experience nonetheless!


Autocad Drawing!

1. Servo Holder!

2. Right Arm!

3. Middle Bar!

4.Mechanism Plate!

5. Left Joint!


Thursday, July 29, 2010 5:24 PM

Finalised Idea!

using the idea from the "claw" and the "strings", in this case, the arms will loop over the can to drag it back into the starting line!

Material list! ^

if you cant see the pictures clearly, click on the links at the side bar!


Monday, June 28, 2010 10:00 PM

Brain Storming!

Ideas 1: Drag the can back using:

1.Claws! (Rawr!)

First the can will be grabbed up slightly by the "claws"! Then while dragging the can, the 'car' moves back to the starting point!

2.Strings/ Wires !

Using the same theory as the "claws", but instead we will be using metal wires to loops over the can and drag it back instead!

Ideas 2: Hit the can with so much power (from the spring or rubber band!) that it will slide all the way to the finish line! *poing!* launch

First, the rubber band will be stretch backwards.

And when the rubber band have been pulled back enough, the hook that is pulling the rubber band back will release the band, and the band will 'launch' the can forward towards the finishing line!

If you cant see the pictures clearly, click on the link at the side bar!